Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Days like these

Let me just start by saying that yesterday was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. It was one of those days I've been waiting for since the minute it started getting colder in the fall. My intention was to take the day off and pack, do laundry, get some stuff done at home, but when you wake up to a sunny day let's just say those thoughts go out the window. With that, Sara and I headed to Stillwater to grab lunch and make the most out of the weather -- and let's just say I think we accomplished our goal. There's nothing I love more than sunglasses, music blasting, laughing, and driving with my windows down. Here are some of the pictures I came up with :) 

Well... seeing as I've done TWO posts in two days, I'll most likely be MIA for a little bit.. ;)

Enjoy the beautiful weather!



  1. You picked the perfect day to take work off Sneds! Thank you SO much for 2 posts this week!

  2. You're welcome Tiff! I will hopefully be more on top of it and post more :)
